Saturday, February 8, 2025

Jewish State with Palestinian Rights Phase 1 and Modified Two State Solution Phase 2

Phase 1 of Peace Plan: Jewish State with Palestinian Rights

The only realistic solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict is a two phase approach. The first phase of the peace plan is a Jewish State with Palestinian rights. At this point in time it is apparent that Palestinian society is not capable at self-governance as evidence by extremism along with graft and corruption. All Knesset members must be Jewish or non-Jews who pledge allegiance to the Jewish State. Such non-Jews who pledge allegiance must be approved by the Knesset and Israeli President. All Jews and non-Jews (Palestinians) will vote for Knesset members in the general election.

There will be a popular annual vote of confidence to retain the government in the Knesset by Jews and non-Jews (Palestinians) to ensure Jewish political promises are kept. (updated addition March 13, 2025)

There must be a Jewish primary election in which Jews and non-Jews who pledge allegiance vote in a primary to see what parties qualify for the general election. In the primary election all parties that meet the 3.25% threshold may participate in the general election. Any party that doesn't meet the 10% threshold may be prevented by any other party or parties that collectively have more than 50% of the primary vote from participating in the general election if such 10% or less party goes against Jewish core values. Example would be a party lead by Ofer Cassif.

During Phase 1, Arabs must establish new political parties that will benefit all Arabs beyond the failure of the corrupt PA and extremist Hamas for local governance. That such new Arab parties will work with and solicit support from certain Jewish parties within the Knesset that will benefit all Arabs by granting votes to such Jewish party. With the cooperative work between Jews and Muslims, we can move to Phase 2 of the Peace Plan of a Palestinian state.

As for the current situation regarding Gaza, Palestinians who wish to leave peacefully and disarm will be transported to camps in the West Bank. Then Hamas who refuses to disarm can be dealt with and eliminated. Palestinians can return to Gaza during rebuilding phase. This plan will help maintain regional peace, Jewish security, and establish stronger relations with Egypt, Jordan, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. The next step is to work on economic development in the West Bank and Gaza in which Jordan and Egypt can greatly benefit. UN observers will be positioned in the West Bank, Gaza, and old city of Jerusalem (based on the 1966 borders of Jerusalem, Jordan) to document any abuses by either party.

Phase 2 of Peace Plan: Modified Two State Solution

Once, peace and economic stability is achieved we will move to Phase 2 of the Peace Plan when the Knesset gives its consent to move forward.

Modified Two State Solution

Peace based on a Modified Two State Solution regarding voting rights for all people. Creation of a bi-national entity known as the United Nations of Jerusalem (UNJ) of a Jewish and Muslim state. A Jewish State of Israel within the pre-1967 borders and the Golan Heights. An Islamic State of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank. Then a shared entity would be the 1966 municipal city limits of Jerusalem, Jordan which would be known as Jerusalem, UNJ. So there would be three Jerusalem entities. One in Israel (city west of the pre-1967 border), Palestine (expanded eastern city after the 1967 war), and the UNJ (municipal city boundary of Jerusalem, Jordan as of 1966).

Per the UNJ treaty, every person (Christian, Druze, Muslim, or Jew) residing in Israel, West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights, and Jerusalem UNJ will vote for Israeli Knesset members who must be Jewish or a non-Jew who swears allegiance to the Jewish State of Israel, and will vote of Palestinian Parliament members who must be Muslim or a non-Muslim who swears allegiance to the Islamic State of Palestine. Every person regardless of religion will be granted the right to vote in both legislative elections in the UNJ but will be subject to the laws of the sovereign state they reside in. The sovereign Jewish State of Israel will administer laws and security within Israel and the Golan Heights. The sovereign Islamic State of Palestine will administer security and laws within Gaza and the West Bank.

This dual voting arrangement will secure peace among Jews and Muslims and will reduce the aspect of extremist who inflame this conflict from holding power. Jewish voters are not going to place Hamas extremist in a Palestinian Parliament. Likewise, Muslim voters are not going to place Israeli politicians in the Knesset who suppress Muslim rights.

The new Palestinian state will follow the Israeli model of government structure and voting for representatives based on a nationwide proportional representation. The Islamic State of Palestine will be a demilitarized state with the Jewish State of Israel overseeing the external defense of Israel, Palestine, and UNJ. Accordingly, Israel will maintain defense bases in the Jordan River Valley.
In the dual voting system within the UNJ there will be an allocation based on two blocks of seats within a 120 seat Israeli Knesset or 120 seat Palestinian Parliament.

Israeli Knesset
(120 seats selected by the D'Hondt Voting Method by two voting blocks)
Block One: 80 seats voted on by Jews or non-Jews who pledge allegiance to the Jewish state
Block Two: 40 seats voted on by non-Jews

This will keep the Jewish flavor of the Knesset while being respectful of Muslims, Christians, and Druzes. All 120 Knesset members must be Jewish or non-Jews who swear allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel.

Palestinian Parliament
(120 seats selected by the D'Hondt Voting Method by two voting blocks)
Block One: 80 seats voted on by Muslims or non-Muslims who pledge allegiance to the Islamic state
Block Two: 40 seats voted on by non-Muslims

This will keep the Islamic flavor of the Parliament while being respectful of Jews, Christians, and Druzes. All 120 Parliament members must be Muslim or non-Muslims who swear allegiance to the Islamic state of Palestine.

This voting system will create an environment where both sides need to respect each other to get votes while reducing the aspect of extremist who inflame this conflict from holding power.

The general election regarding the two blocks of seats should require a minimum 5% threshold per block to qualify for seats in the Knesset or Parliament. Before the general election there should be a primary election within each respective nation with its own religious group or individuals pledging allegiance to such nation to determine parties qualifying to participate in the general election. A primary election is needed to prevent a small radical party within a nation that doesn't have much support from its own people from receiving undue political influence or support from the other nation in the general election. Per the primary, qualifying parties must meet the 5% threshold to participate in the general election. A qualifying party that meets the 5% threshold but is under the 10% threshold may be denied participation in the general election if two or more qualifying political parties that have over 50% in that nation's primary election determine that such party (under the 10% threshold) should not participate in the general election. Any party that meets the 10% threshold is allowed full participation in the general election.

The above seat allocation where the 80 seats will vote for religious matters within that respective state affecting only people of that religion and can not infringe on other different religions. The 120 seats in the legislature would select the prime minister and other ministers along with voting for legislation. Finally, the 80 seats would vote exclusively for the President of that respective nation who represents the religious values of such nation.

As for Jerusalem, UNJ (land within the 1966 municipal city boundaries of Jerusalem, Jordan) each national President will rule over the shared city along with an individual (called the Governor of Jerusalem) appointed by the Pope in Rome with approval by both Israeli and Palestinian Prime Ministers. Thus, we would have three individuals (President of Israel, President of Palestine, and the Governor of Jerusalem) ruling as an executive tribunal. The security of Jerusalem, UNJ will be maintained by the IDF with UN observers.

The UNJ will operate as a Confederation
This dual voting mechanism in the UNJ for both states creates a perfect environment for removing extremists and promotes cooperation necessary for a confederation. The UNJ Confederation would be use for;

Security for Israel and Palestine
Normalization of Relations
Economic Ties
Freedom of the Press (To ensure this is allowed in Palestine)
Democracy (Oversee free and fair elections in both states)
Water Rights

Items developed by the Confederation will be presented to both Israeli Knesset and Palestinian Parliament for ratification.

In this peace plan the Palestinian state would initially be demilitarized. As peace further develops the nation of Palestine may be able to have its own defense force in the future. For the present time, there should be a creation of a Palestinian Foreign Legion in which such force would operate in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE in which the legion would be under the ultimate control of the nation it is operating in. This Palestinian Foreign Legion would create jobs, money, and skills for unemployed Palestinian men and give them a purpose while providing funds for the Palestinian government.

Anyone is allowed to use these ideas to develop a better peace plan.

Jon Dolen
Green Valley, IL 61534 USA